Dormice need your help!

Dormice need your help!

Gwen Hitchcock needs your help with tracking dormouse footprints

More dormouse surveys needing volunteers!

Following the successful trial of the dormouse footprint tunnels last year, we are planning to use them in a few other locations in Northamptonshire to identify where dormice are present along this northern edge of their core range.

To make this work I will need team of local volunteers to help check on the tunnels so if anyone is interested in getting involved these are the locations we are looking at next:

  • Hazelborough Woods near Silverstone *NEW SITE*
  • Salcey Forest/adjacent hedgerows north of Milton Keynes
  • Stoke Wood, adjacent to last year’s survey site near Corby
  • Fineshade Forest near Peterborough (joint with Friends of Fineshade)

Whilst some of these sites already have volunteers locally a few more hands helping is always useful. One of the sites near Silverstone is brand new, we’ve not previous done much survey work in this southwest corner of Northants so if you’re in that area and have been looking for an opportunity to get involved now’s your chance!

For more details of what is involved please see this post on last year's surveys.

If you’d like to get involved please let me know on (please note I will be away until 24th February so will get back to you with details upon my return.)