Prologis open The Hub at DIRFT

Supporting Prologis, one of our corporate partners, as they launch a new hub near our Lilbourne Meadows Nature Reserve.

Corporate Partner Prologis recently hosted an exciting open day, to showcase the new facilities for their Daventry Freight Rail terminal (DIRFT). The Hub is a new building offering impressive meeting and recreational spaces and has lots of history – sitting on the original Rugby Radio mast site from pre-war times.

Rugby Radio - Prologis

We partnered with Prologis to develop our Lilbourne Meadows Nature Reserve - an ecological mitigation zone of 193 acres. The reserve made up of mixed habitats is attracting a variety of interesting species including great crested newts, kingfishers and brown long-eared bats.

Lilbourne Meadows Manager Jane Pearman has worked tirelessly to develop the site, managing various flocks of rare-breed sheep for conservation grazing - lambing is always a full-time job, and this spring was no different, assisted by able sheepdogs Kez and Nell. The long-term management of the site will open up a beautiful landscape for residents and workers at DIRFT alike, screening the industrial units from local homes.

The walkways are due to open to the public in spring 2023 and we'll be letting everyone know all about it - watch this space.

Prologis The Hub Reception
Lilbourne Meadows by Caroline Fitton

Lilbourne Meadows by Caroline Fitton

Arm - Corporate Partner

Arm - Corporate Partner

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