Luton Chalk Sites
As well as our own nature reserves we have also been helping improve other sites for wildlife.
As well as our own nature reserves we have also been helping improve other sites for wildlife.
Protecting these important and vulnerable sites
One of the most exciting things about 30 Days Wild is that it challenges you to look for nature everywhere.
Fundamentally important Local Wildlife Sites need protecting from future development - help stop government proposals to remove their protection
Three new County Wildlife Sites have been designated at Blow's Downs in areas of superb land restoration in a mitigation scheme for the Luton Dunstable Busway
Thanks to you, the Government has published a revised version of its National Planning Policy Framework which now includes some reinstated protection for Local Wildlife Sites
Ordinary moss is very common in gardens and woodlands. moss provides shelter for many minibeasts, so encourage it to grow in your garden by providing logs, stone piles and untidy areas.
If you were to pick up a rock in the garden, you’d hopefully find a few common woodlouse. These hardy minibeasts have in-built armour and like to hide in warm, moist places like compost heaps.
June is a great time of year to look out for bats - and it makes a super 30 Days Wild activity! Our Volunteer Communities and Wildlife Officer Megan gives us the lowdown on these marvellous…