
Congratulations! You've found an egg!

Collect the letters on each egg and unscramble them to find our secret phrase! You can find the instructions and other clues on this page. 

Blue egg with letter E

Activity: We've hidden an egg in each of the pictures below! Can you spot them all?

Find the egg hidden in the fen
Find the egg hidden in the meadow
Find the egg hidden in the wood
Find the egg hidden in the field
Find the egg in the blossom
Find the egg hidden with the deer
Find the egg hidden amongst the crocuses
Find the egg hidden with the swans
Find the egg hidden in the forest
Find the egg hidden in the mushrooms

Have you cracked the code?

If you've found all 10 eggs, don't forget to go back to the first page or click the button below to request a copy of the solutions and more activities for you to do. 

Request solutions and additional activities

Did you know?

Summer - Pitsford Water Nature Reserve

credit Sarah Gibbs

3 945

Number of hectares of land we manage in Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire. That's more than 4 810 football pitches!

About our Trust


Reserves we take care of in the 3 counties. We are looking to connect them to create big spaces for wildlife to live in and for you to enjoy. 

Our reserves
Four-spotted chaser perched on a bud

Four-spotted chaser at Woodwalton Fen, by Colin Bradshaw.
Photography Competition 2020


Years since the first reserve was acquired by the Wildlife Trusts to protect and restore wildlife and wild places. This reserve is now part of your local Trust.

Our history

Easter break activities

Don't forget that we are running some other activities you can take part in over the holidays. 

Children with Wildlife Watch

Matthew Roberts

Child and family membership

The best way to learn about all the ways you can connect with nature is to join your Wildlife Trust. You'll get loads of fun stuff and help protect local wildlife and wild places!

Join us

Support our work

Most of the resources here have little or no cost attached to them. If you enjoyed some of our activities, please contribute to the work that we do.

Donate today